Report August 1-15, 2018
We released the Alpha version of Carco app under the build number 1.0.124. The Alpha version was available both for Android and iOS. The version included a static navigations flow for the following screens and menus: loading/splash, login, forgot password, sign up, vehicle information, account verification, verify mobile number, tutorial, home, side menu, my garage listing, garage screen, add vehicle, and settings. The corresponding dynamic modules that were integrated are normal sign up and login, social login (with Facebook and/or Google account), vehicle information module, account verification, mobile verification, OTP module, vehicle listing, add vehicle, and forgot password.We started defining the messaging module, especially in terms of the underlying technology. We decided on ejabberd, which is an XMPP application server, written mainly in the Erlang programming language. It can run under several Unix-like operating systems such as Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and OpenSolaris.
We gave special attention to the database architecture. Carco app holds large amounts of various user data with different security levels. In order to ensure the app’s smooth and fast functioning, we took our time to define in detail database size, the number of different tables and the connections among elements.
We also finished a new presentation brochure, aimed especially at potential partners. After this we will begin working on a company and application presentation video.